Nov 12, 2008

Another week gone

Hey ho
Nothing much to report, apart from that it's nearly the end of the week. I can't believe how time is wooshing by me. It's time to be planning Milly's birthday and quite frankly I can't be bothered with it all. I just want to crawl into a hole and pretend it's not happening. There is something depressing about your baby turning one. That means they aren't the baby anymore. Toddlerhood is before them.

My big three O is looming too and I'm in denial.

Life is going well over here. Kids are all good. Daz is all good. I'm all good.

Christmas preps are going good. I have started wrapping the stuff we got off layby because the kids are discovering them... well.. they are sitting in the middle of the lounge room. Lucky for us, they are so vague about this sort of stuff... they don't get that it's for them!! LOL. Mop has such a short memory that when she opens them, it will be like she is seeing them for the very first time.

I have almost finished my Secret Santa with a group of friends. I organised it this year, and we had to have something homemade, something smelly, a Christmas decoratation, something you wear and something personal. I have gotten everything except the smelly thing. I am still debating what to buy. The homemade thing I have got the stuff for, it's just a matter of sitting down and making it.

I've been watching movies on You-tube lately. I have watched the series of "Road to Avonlea" and I watched "Anne the Continuing Story" plus a few on my favourites from yesteryear. It's a great way to get things done. Each part is 10 minutes long - and after the 10 minute section is done, I jump up, run around and do a few bits for 10 minutes then sit down again. It's particularly good when I am headachey or really tired - which is happening alot lately. I'm not sleeping so good... so I guess that is why I am tired.

I ordered a beautiful Christmas dress for Milly to wear on Christmas Day. My mate Jac made it - such a clever lady.

Speaking of clever, I have decided to give dress making a go... actually not the actual dress making itself.. more a skirt. I want a few skirts but the cheapest I can find that looks half decent is $40.. so I figure I could buy a pattern and fabric for that. Then make myself more and more for cheaper! YAY!!

OK I should stop rambling...


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