We'll start with Razzle Dazzle Daz.
He's back at work now and starting to prepare for the moving of his workplace from the current plant to a bigger, better and most importantly closer place. There has been a bit of a shakeup with job titles, redundancies - so has had that to deal with.
Milly Moo is happy to be home and her language skills are going OFF!!
She now says "Ar-ee" for Charli.
"Don't do that."
"Nose, eyes, hair, ear, tith (teeth)"
"more" (which I must record and show you because it's soooo cute)
I am sure there is more but that's what comes to mind.
We have also been weaning her off the dummy - so the nights have been a tad rough. Never mind. It won't last forever.
Mop is back into the school routine, and is happy to be back. She will be doing football as part of the after-school sports program and she is looking forward to that.
We got her report card and we are really happy with her progress. She is doing really well. :)
Also Mop's big news.....
On Sunday she said she wanted to get her ears pierced... "TODAY"... so off we trundled. She was forewarned that it would hurt. My old boss got the gun ready while we picked out some earrings. Gold with a clear stone. Mop sat bravely in the chair. Another woman came with another gun.... one. two. three. POP!
Mop looked at me horrified!!! Then big tears welled up in her big blue eyes and started to flow. She howled. She refused to look in the mirror, she just cried and cried. I hugged her and cried too. It's tough being a woman. LOL
She perked up when her ears stopped hurting and now she is proud as punch of her bling bling.
EJ is settling back into home routines and he loves it. He's such a homebody! He has been a bit depressed because it's been raining so much and he couldn't go outside and play - but today, he's happy as larry because the sun is out and he gets to play allllll day outside!
He starts pre-school again on thursday. He will be very excited to go back again.
Speaking of the E-man. Look where I found him sleeping today...
And me...
Same ol.
Nothing to tell.
Been sewing, cleaning, sewing some more.
I've even started getting ready for Christmas. :)
Righto, better make myself presentable and head off to pick up Mop from school.
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