Well Steve and Jas are now married and it was such a beautiful day. I have some photos here to share. Not lots because our camera was lost for the reception. Not to worry, my brother has heaps and will share. I'll post those later on.
For now you get my dodgy ones.
This is the church - it was taken at the rehersal the night before.
The wedding was beautiful! And sooo emotional. I think I spend half of it crying! Jasmine of course howled like a baby most of the way through it. She is a very emotional girl - and it's adorable. She was/is such a beautiful bride and such a beautiful person. I am so glad Steve chose someone so wonderful and so special to marry. I am very blessed to have two such lovely sister in laws.
Anyway.. back to the wedding. Vows were exchanged, - Jasmine howled through most of hers - we videoed her trying to suck it up enough to say them. SOOOO funny!! She's so cute!! Rings were exchanged. Anyway... Then Steve did something so special - he squatted down to Molly - Jasmine's little girl - and said vows to her.
He promised to do the best he could as a step father, to look after her, provide for her, to nurture her and care for her and to help Mummy (Jasmine) raise her. It was such a precious moment - then he presented her with a gold heart on a chain as a reminder of what he said that day. I don't think there was a dry eye in the house. Debbie (other sister in law) had tears streaming down her face. My older brother - Peter got me. I saw him tear up, then his body shook with sobs. WAAAAHHH!!!
Then Steve announced that it was tradition for a husband to present his wife with an eternity ring on the birth of their first child. He said that they have Molly - so he slipped the eternity ring on as well. It was lovely.
Then they were announced as Mr and Mrs. Such a lovely ceremony. Loveliest one I have been to for ages.
This is my Mum speaking to Jas for the first time as a daughter. I bet my Mum was howling. She loves Jas lots. :) She has a soft spot for her, especially as they were single Mums for the first three years of their daughter's lives. They get each other.
The ceremony was good fun and very cool. The speeches were awesome. Very heartfelt - and of course Jasmine cried all the way through them! LOL. Peter who is painfully shy was totally cool! SOOOO funny!!
The bridal dance was very cool too. They did evolution of dance - and in case you have never seen it, even though it's not them, they did this:
I even got up and boogied. It was a really lovely evening. The kids danced the night away.
Milly slept on and off, but spent most of the time playing with the baby-sitters. Jas organised for some girls to come and play with the kids and keep them out of our hair. Milly had a wonderful time laughing at them for some bizzare reason.
Mop played with the kids, ate lots and danced lots.
Sir E totally flirted and enjoyed being a ladies man. He was the only little boy there - and he knew he looked like a total stud in his three piece suit!
I had a very proud moment. Jasmine's sister is mentally disabled. She has the mental age of a 12 year old even though she is in her 30's. Very sweet girl, quiet etc. Anyway this sister was dancing at the corner of the dance floor by herself. My son, the flirt, came up to her, grabbed her hands and began dancing with her. The smile on her face was so precious and he grinned at her and was shaking his booty. It was such a precious moment for me - because I want to remember that moment forever. Her smile, his smile - them dancing and him treating her like he treated everyone else. Such equality is a rare find in adults. No one else danced with her. :(
Overall it was such a great night and I am so happy for them both!
This is a table cloth my Mum made for the signing table.